Mission Statement

Among other things, you’ll find that you’re not the first person who was ever confused and frightened and sickened by human behavior. You’re by no means alone on that score, you’ll be excited and stimulated to know.

Many, many men have been just as troubled morally and spiritually as you are right now. Happily, some of them kept records of their troubles. You’ll learn from them – if you want to…

It’s a beautiful reciprocal arrangement. And it isn’t education. It’s history. It’s poetry.

– J.D. Sallinger (from The Catcher in the Rye, 1945).

4 responses »

  1. Because I love your writing and I hate that you must take this journey…you capture your feelings in words that are difficult for most to express… you’ve just received a One Lovely Blog Award! Congratulations! You can check it out here: http://smommy.wordpress.com/2012/05/07/what-who-me-shut-up/

    • Thanks for the complimentary words. Very nice of you. Time hasn’t permitted me to read many blogs. So I’m not sure I can pass it along. However, I may bend the rules and list 15 commenters that have been very helpful. You would be one of them.

      • You are welcome and thank you. I think that’s a fantastic idea… For me, reading other blogs with similar story lines has helped me tremendously. And like you, I have found such profoundly comforting words from my commenters. Love them.

      • I plan to read other blogs as things settle down and I get a better grasp of everything. I know they would likely be helpful to read now, but time just doesn’t permit. This is my first experience blogging. Sincerely didn’t expect anyone would even read it, let alone comment. And the comments have been incredibly beneficial. I’m humbled by and grateful for such a loving community.

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